Feedback on your products
Twitter is a great way to get answers to questions. Trying to figure out what your customers want to see or are interested in? Use Twitter to ask them. Sure, it’s not a scientific survey, but it can give you an immediate snapshot of a general consensus . This can be both instructive and productive. Examples are if you write ebooks, Go articles or ezine articles. Ask for them to be critiqued. You can use this for your company and improve your articles from reader feedback.
Asking questions will engage your followers
Asking questions about your product will not necessarily engage your followers into active conversation. Asking questions that may be helpful to your followers that may solve problems and relate to their everyday life will. Once you get followers it is very important to stay up to speed with their interests and needs take polls. Post feed back on the replies given by your followers this sometimes will reactivate a topic and create further engagement of conversation about a subject. it is very important to be active and keep the pulse of your Twitter presence alive. Obviously no one will follow a mundane boring person.
New Product Launch
If your company has a new product launch get feedback from twitter to better improve the product. Example if you have a new book or product launch use ezines, goarticles, hubpages,squidoo write the article and use squidoo as places where you can give in more detail excerpts of your product. to make your followers feel as if they are privy to this new and innovative product or book. It is always good to wet a customers whistle so to speak before a launching. If you inform one person they will more in likely tell another and another. Word of mouth is the best source of advertisement.
Free Twitter tools to help you get feedback
if you own a business or a product or a service, and have a limited budget. Here is list of some free tools to help you get feedback on your products on Twitter without even making any dent in your existing marketing budget. All of these services are very useful and free to use.
Twitter Feed - This is a very good free service that fetches new content from your blog or any site that supports RSS feeds it will publish a link in your twitter account. It will also help your existing customers stay updated about news related to products they already own.
Tweet Scan - This is like Google for Twitter. It will solve two problems:
- Tweet Scan is great for monitoring feedback about your product from conversations happening in the Twitter community. It also provides RSS feeds so you’ll automatically know when people tweet about products.
- With Tweet Scan, you can find existing customers who are already on Twitter and follow them so they come to know about your existence. Or you may search for the name of your competing products and track potential customers.
Twitter PollDaddy - This free service lets you use Twitter for getting very good feedback and opinions or you can ask questions through polls. Type your question with a list of potential answers and post it to your Twitter account.
Twitter Response - TwitResponse lets you schedule delivery of your tweets just like the way you send emails in the future. An example if you are announcing a new product at 9 AM EST tomorrow, write a message through TwitResponse and it will automatically get published to your Twitter status exactly at the time you want. Their is no need to be texting at the time of actual launch.
Quotably - This Twitter service will make it easy for you to follow conversations happening around your tweets. It arranges replies to all your tweets in a threaded form similar to the way you see discussions on usenet groups.
TwitterReply - With Twitter, your customers get an alternate way to get in touch with you through public tweets or even direct messages. They may want to know the contact number of your support team or they could be looking for a manual which can they can’t locate on your website. TwitterReply sends you an instant email whenever there’s a new tweet for you in the Twitter universe. You need it because customers contacting you through Twitter may be looking for instant answers.
more resources: Twitter Hummingbird , Pro tool Review , Twitter Tricks , Personal branding on Twitter
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