Earl Nightingales - The Strangest Secret Video

The Progressive Realization Of A Worthy Ideal

  • Why you are where you think you ought to be
  • Six words that can change your life
  • Why hunches pay off
  • How to know what you do best
  • Why work and well-being are one and the same
  • And much more!

Earl Nightingales The Strangest Secret Money Making Method

I must admit when I first heard this 60 year old motivational recording of Earl Nightingale’s The Strangest Secret. I had a slightly prejudiced opinion. I said to myself come on now…. How could a 60 year old motivational recording inspire me and kick start my creative juices flowing. After all the recording is so old it even has cracklings in the audio but the message has withstood the test of time.

The truth is that in life, we all get bit complacent and once in a while need something or someone to get us inspired and rolling again. Weather it be a motivational speaker such as Tony Robins, Robert Kiyosaki, Les Brown or the late Stephen Covey etc. etc. Societal norms force us all to conform, just blindly follow the pack and in return we lose track of our verve and we inadvertently turn off our creative imagination.

Funny, a friend of mine sent The Strangest Secret to me by email, I listened to it once. As I said earlier it only had a small impact on my creative intuitiveness and I was only slightly moved. So I put the link on my favorites and revisited it about a month or so later. It’s only then that listened to it and I understood the message. It actually made more and more sense the more I listened to it.

So, your very presence on this site you must have either stumbled on it by mistake through a Search engine query or it was emailed to you from a friend.

Many say Earl Nightingale was considered the 1950’s motivational speaker Tony Robins equivalent of his time. Even in today’s modern world with all its high tech bells and whistles gadgetry the resonance of his message still retains merit.
The Strangest Secret message: will assist you with many facets of life, family, business and it also can be used as a money making method
Feel free to share and purvey Earl Nightingale’s The Strangest Secret Message and send it to @ least 3 or 4 of your closet friends.
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7 Ways To Improve Your Email Marketing Results

Maximizing the responsiveness of your email campaigns
Starting and growing a responsive subscriber list within your niche can be very lucrative for your online business. The keyword though is responsive. A list of one million subscribers could be less valuable (in terms of revenue) than a list of 1,000 subscribers. Why? Because the larger list could be highly unresponsive while the smaller one could be highly responsive.

Maximizing the responsiveness of your email list requires that you cultivate a strong relationship with your subscribers. This is an ongoing effort and can be done via a multitude of specific techniques. All of these techniques, however, essentially boil down to giving good content to your list – in other words, providing value.

If you haven’t yet built a solid relationship with your list through providing value, then that should be your first step. And as you’re doing that you’ll want to focus on the additional techniques I’ll be talking about in this blog post, all of which should help improve your email marketing campaigns.

Let’s dive in!

The key question we’ll be asking today is: How do I get the maximum number of subscribers on my list to open and read my email? In other words, how to I maximize my response rate?
There are seven factors we’ll explore today that deal with this question. They include:
1. Delivery rate.
2. Subject lines.
3. The “from” field of your email messages.
4. Days of the week to send messages.
5. Times of day to send messages.
6. Email format (text or HTML)?
7. Quality score.
Before exploring these seven factors in detail, let’s define some common terms and phrases that are important in relation to them.
    • Open Rate is the percentage of all delivered messages that are opened.
    • Delivery Rate is the percentage of total messages sent that are successfully delivered to the intended recipient’s inbox.
    • Click-Through Rate is the percentage of unique email recipients who clicked at least one of the links in your message (the percentage is based on emails opened and not the total emails sent or delivered.)
Most of the leading email services track these three metrics and will display them within the account area. iContact is a popular email service used by many top internet marketers. Let’s look at their statistical reporting:

What you see above are the stats for a single email that was sent to a list of subscribers.
As you can see, there are many different statistics included in this report. We’re going to focus in on four of them:
A – The total number of contacts on this mailing list. (100% / 25,000)
B – The percentage of people who opened the email message. (13% / 3,250)
C – The number of email addresses that could not be delivered. (1.7% / 425)
D – The number of people who clicked on a link or call to action. (7% / 1,750)
Of course, this is a hypothetical set of statistics that we’re using for example purposes. Your results may be similar to what is referenced here, or they could be considerably different. But the goal, regardless of your current stats, is to improve these three metrics.

Let’s say, for instance, that following the tips in this blog post you’re able to double your open rate. This means that twice as many subscribers have opened your email. Doubling your open rate could lead to the same increase in your click-through rate, which could lead to a significant increase in your overall revenue. So it’s well worth it to pursue the science of improving these factors.
Let’s take a closer look now at the first of the seven factors we discussed earlier – delivery rate.

1. Delivery Rate
The chart below shows the delivery rate that some of the top email marketing services claim to provide:

Delivery rates differ between email marketing companies due to spam filtering. Email marketing companies use many different computers to send emails. Each computer is identified by an IP address. (An IP address looks like this: .) Over time, spam filters monitor the messages sent from each IP address. When they discover an IP address that seems to be delivering spam, they block future messages from that IP so that the message does not reach the recipient’s inbox.

In the case of MailChimp, we can see that some of their computers have been blocked by spam filters which is reflected by their lower delivery rate. Obviously, the higher the delivery rate, the better. If you are using MailChimp and your message happens to be sent from a computer with an IP address that has been flagged by spam filters, your delivery rate could be significantly affected (by up to 4%). If you’re lucky, the message will be sent from an IP that is successfully delivering 99% of its messages.

Spam filters can block more than just a computer; they can also block email addresses, too. Later, I’ll give you three important tips to protect your email address from being blocked by the ever-aggressive spam filtering companies.

From this chart, it’s clear that Aweber, GetResponse, and Infusionsoft have the most reliable systems in place from among the companies listed. Now let’s take a look at other factors that can affect delivery, open, and click-through rates.

2. The Subject Line
Subject lines are often the first thing people look at while scanning their email inbox, so it’s important that your subject line ‘catches’ the attention of your readers.
People use email extensively these days. Many people wake up to dozens or even hundreds of fresh emails sitting in their inbox each morning. Fortunately, you can break through the noise with a good subject line.

Effective subject lines are often a combination of art and science. It’s worthwhile to gather as much practical information as you can about the subject first and then test various subject lines on your list, observing which ones perform the best.

Lyris, a top-tier email marketing service, lists 15 ‘rules’ to writing great subject lines, including:
#1 Read the newspaper
#2 There is no sure-fire formula
#3 Test, test, test
#4 Support the “from” line
#5 List key info first
#6 Open rates don’t always measure subject line success
#7 Personalize
#8 Urgency drives action
#9 Watch those spam filters
#10 “Free” is not evil
#11 Lead, but don’t mislead
#12 Write and test early and often
#13 Review subject line performance over your last several campaigns or newsletters
#14 Continue the conversation
#15 Can you pass the must-open/must-read test?

A process that I’ve found very helpful in strengthening my “subject line writing muscles” is reading The National Enquirer. They are absolute masters at crafting content snippets that grab attention and compel us to open their magazine.

3. The “From” Field
The next item people immediately look at while scanning emails is the “from” address of each email. The rule of thumb here is consistency. Familiarity breeds trust. If your message is from ‘info@’ one day, ‘Sam@’ the next day, and ‘support@’ later on, it’s going to make it difficult for readers to establish a strong connection with you
It’s also important to personalize the “from” field. Use a real name rather than an email address. An email from “Sam Jones” looks much more personal than an email from “Sam@samswebsite.com.”
Most good email marketing services will have an area within your account where you can setup the “from” field of your outgoing emails.

4. Days of the Week to Send Messages
Studies have shown that the day of the week that you send your email does affect open rates.

Here is a chart from Aweber:
Of course, this is just one study. You can find others by doing a Google search. The key takeaway here is to be aware of the fact that the day that you send your email typically will have an impact on your results.

5. Times of Day to Send Messages
The time of day a message is sent can have a big impact on whether a message is read or not.
According to the same Aweber study referenced earlier, the best time to send your message is at 8 a.m. EST. The same study also reported that waiting just one hour later and sending messages at 9 a.m. EST cuts the open rate by over 15%. The worst time of the day is 3-4 a.m.
Of course, this isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” scenario. You may see best results from sending you emails at a different time of day. It’s important that you do your own testing here until you’ve narrowed in on the best time.

6. Email Format (Text or HTML)
This one is simple. For maximum delivery rate, text-based emails are the best option.
According to Aweber CEO Tom Kulzer, plain text emails are opened 65% of the time, while a message sent with both a text and HTML option are opened less than 50% of the time.
Unfortunately, a rather high percentage of HTML-based emails never reach the recipient’s inbox because they are blocked by spam filters. The bottom line: Send plain text emails. While HTML emails offer far more flexibility in terms of the look and feel of your emails, in most cases the low delivery rates tend to significantly hurt their effectiveness.

7. Quality Score
I’ve listed quality score last because if you take the measures suggested above, your email’s quality score will improve naturally. But in addition to the previous suggestions, there are three easy steps I recommend taking that can will further improve your email address (and your account) rating with the spam filter companies.
If a spam filtering company suspects your email is sending spam, they will block all emails sent from your account’s email address (the “from” field of your messages). So what can you do to improve your delivery rate and maintain the quality score of your account?

Tip One: Always check every message with a spam filter detection service before you send it.
Most of the major email services include such a service within your account. Using such a service usually only takes a few seconds and will immediately tell you whether or not you need to make changes to your email before it’s sent. Certain words trigger filters and if you’re using these words or phrases and don’t realize it before sending the message, the spam filters will take notice.
Tip Two: Remove all bounced or undeliverable email addresses from your list.
Spam filters assume that any account that is not removing bounced emails is not maintaining their list and may be a spammer (since spammers rarely care what their list looks like), so it’s important to prune your list.
You don’t want to be too aggressive here. There are many reasons why an email may bounce. Perhaps the recipient is away on vacation, or their email box may be full. You obviously don’t want to remove such people from your list. To safeguard such recipients, check the bounced addresses over time and if the address bounces continually over a month or two, remove it from your list.
Tip Three: Remove all inactive email addresses from your list.
Removing inactive emails is also a good idea.
ISPs (internet service providers) know when an email address has been abandoned (is no longer in use), but they often don’t close the email account. Instead, they continue to monitor it for activity, turning it into a spam trap. The ISP assumes only spammers would continually send messages to a dead or inactive email address.
What this means to you is that if you do not continually clear dead and inactive email addresses from your mailing list, ISPs may report your email address (and therefore your account) to the spam filtering companies. And that could affect the delivery rate of all your messages, including those to active and profitable addresses.
Most of the steps outlined in this blog post are extremely simple and easy to implement, yet they can have a very positive impact on your overall list marketing results.
To recap briefly, here are the key takeaways:
  • Use a reliable autoresponder service
  • Personalize your subject lines
  • Make your subject line an attention grabber
  • Use the same ‘from’ email address for every message you send
  • Send broadcast emails on Sunday, Wednesday, or Saturday
  • Send messages at 8 a.m. EST or 1-2 p.m. EST
  • Use plain-text formatted emails only
  • Check all emails with a spam score checker before you send them
  • Monitor bounce rate and remove emails from your list that are not deliverable
  • Monitor and remove inactive email addresses from your list
Acting upon these suggestions will improve the chances that your emails will reach your intended recipients. Your delivery, open, and click-through rate should all improve, perhaps dramatically. Remember that even small improvements to any one of these three metrics can have a significant impact on your overall results. I hope you are able to incorporate these tips in your email marketing campaigns and enjoy the long-term profits that are sure to follow.

How to Set Up Your Facebook Page for Maximum Results

How to Set Up Your Facebook Page for Maximum Results

It’s no mystery that Facebook has single-handedly dominated the social media space for years. What once was a stomping ground for college students has now become a billion dollar entity used by webmasters and business owners to reach thousands of people and attract them to their brands.

Do you have a Facebook Page for your brand? If so, you may have noticed that Facebook switched from its original design to a new Timeline format back in March. The change, though not welcomed by all, allowed Page owners to take advantage of some interesting new features.

Whether you already run a Page or you are starting from scratch, this tutorial will give you some great tips on maximizing it to achieve optimal results.

Page Name

If you are just getting started, take some time before deciding on a page name. Your name is an important component of your Page and Facebook will not allow you to change it once you reach 200 likes.

When selecting a page name, think long term. What name will fit your business even if your goals change? Does it communicate the essence of your brand? Most people use their brand/website name so users can easily locate their Page. Facebook lists some Page name guidelines here

Cover Photo

The cover photo is the largest image on your Facebook Page measuring 851 pixels by 315 pixels. Use this area to portray a pictorial representation of your brand.

Become an Affiliate Marketer

Just What is Affiliate Marketing and Why Become an Affiliate Marketer?

Many times you will have seen previously in my articles I have mentioned affiliate marketing as a great way of setting up an online business. During this article I will provide a more in depth look at what it is exactly.

Affiliate Marketing is a method of promoting a product in which an affiliate is then rewarded for every visitor, subscriber, customer and/or sale provided through their efforts to the actual company selling the product. The compensation of commission that an affiliate gets may be based on a certain value for each exposure, visit)pay per click), new customer (pay per lead), sale which is usually a percentage of the item sold(pay per sale or revenue share) or it may be a combination of any of these.

Many companies like to use affiliate marketing because they do not incur any marketing expenses unless the desired result is realized.

There are also some e-commerce sites around today which run their own affiliate programs, while others use third party services. These provide intermediaries who will track traffic or sale that are referred to them from their various affiliates. There are many business online today who owe much of their growth and success to the use of affiliate marketing. It has been especially successful for small mid size business on the internet.

We have now looked at what affiliate marketing is, now let us look at some reasons as why it is a good type of online business to set up.

No Production Costs

With an affiliate program, production cost are no longer an issue as the product has been developed an proven to be good. Best of all, it has all come out of the merchant's accounts and not yours.

Do no need a lot of money to set up

All you will need is a desk, computer, internet connection and word processing software to get started.

Costs Involved

Normally it is free to join an affiliate program, and all the set up costs and shipping costs will be met by the merchant whose products you are selling. Plus, as you do not need any where to store goods, this is another reason for joining and affiliate program. So even if you happen to live in a 1 bedroom apartment, you can still sell the biggest products going as an affiliate because all the goods are held by the merchant you are working as an affiliate for.

Online Business on a Budget

How to Set Up an Online Business on a Budget

So now you have decided to set up an online business, but your budget is very small, so how can you get going?

You can start off by looking for free domain names. There are so many companies around who are now selling domain names. The market has become quite competitive. There are a few sites around that will register a domain for you at no charge. However, there is a catch with some of them in that they will set themselves up as the administrator for your domain and then only transfer ownership to you after a set period of time for free or will charge you a small fee.

If you are going to be setting up and launching a website, but do not want to pay the $20-$40 a month that you can be typically charge for hosting, then don't. There are plenty of places on the web today that will host your site for free. Before you get to excited about this prospect, it is important to remember that there is a drawback to be had from using such places. Most of these free host sites will place a banner at the top of your pages for allowing you to do this however, there are some web hosts around who do not charge you a fee or force you to have a banner on your site either. While there are others who will remove the banners completely for a small fee each year, which is nothing compared to what you would pay to get someone to host your site for you each month.

What if you are someone who does not have their own product to sell, but still wants to make money online? Then look no further than becoming an affiliate marketer. I will discuss just how to do this in a later article.

Online Business Construction

How to Go About Setting Up an Online Business

The best way of setting up an online business today is as follows

1. Choose a niche and then specialize in it. Do not think that you are going to make big bucks buy selling everything under the sun (unless you are using Ebay, but even this is getting more competitive today).

2. Choose or create a product you can either use affiliate products or create your own.

3. Probably one of the most important things to do when setting up an online business is to choose a good domain name. It should be short, easy to remember and reflect what your business actually does. Your domain name is the name by which your online customers will remember you by. A good domain name is one that is memorable, short and easy to spell. There are many websites around offering domain names, and prices can start for less than $1

4. Get your own website. Do not go for the free page on some affiliate site, but get your own. It is much easier to do than you think. Get some hosting (there are plenty of companies on the web here is a free reference to help you get started webhosting resource top 10 they review each of the services). Then buy a template system if you can not program(again take a look around the web and you will soon find plenty of companies offering web templates). Now all you have to do is start learning how to use it. However, if you are not technical aspects of your online business. This could include such things as building your website for you, the handling of your website hosting and the setting up of any domain names that you may require.

5. Always look for a secure and reliable host service provider. It is important that you examine the "uptime guarantee" that each service provider offers. Also, analyze the physical infrastructure of where your online business will be stored, but probably most important of all is that you should scrutinize the hosting providers
" Back UP" and "Data Security" systems. this includes calculating how much time would be required to reinstall your online business if there was a complete infrastructure failure on the part of the hosting provider. This will help you to calculate theleast possible loss your business if such a situation arises.

6. Build a list. This important so that you are able to to repeatedly talk with visitors to your site. It is important that you keep the visitors
How to Go About Setting Up an Online Business updated as to what is happening with your site. This also enables you to contact them numerous time regarding whatever offer(s) you wish to present them.

7. Look at the ways in which you will handle the payment made by your customers. If you are selling and affiliate product, then this will not be a problem as the affiliate program will handle the payments for you. However, if you are selling your own product, then you will have to set up your own payment processing system. PayPal is a good processor and it's free to join. However I will discuss this more in detail in later articles.

8. Look at the ways in which you will arrange for goods to be delivered to your customer if selling your own products, you must look at local courier companies, as well as the postal service and find out which will be more cost effective for sending goods to customers, also you will then need to decide on the pricing system for the sending of packages to your customer's . But it is important that you choose a shipping company who you know is going to be reliable. Look especially at those companies who offer an online tracking system.

Online businesses the common types

What Type of Businesses Can You Have as an Online Business?

In this article, we will look at some of the more common types of online businesses that people are running. Keep in mind, the decision is really up to you as to what type of business you want to run online.

Marketing Business

This is one of the most common types of online businesses around. You can either run this business by exclusively marketing your own products, or by visually striking web page that has all the necessary information and purchasing options on it for the products in question. In order for this business to be successful, it needs to be promoted effectively to potential customers via search engines, email or other resources. We will look at marketing in more depth in another chapter to this book.

Turnkey Internet Business

This is a very trendy type of business to have online. This is where you would purchase a website from an already established sector and then run the business on a web platform that is provided to you by the established business. In order to promote such an online business, there are many different methods that you could use, such as promoting individual products or services to your online customers.

Internet Services

This is a business where specific services are provided to online customers at a reasonable price. Such businesses are often set up according to a person's professional expertise and will provide services to their customers in relation to this. The types of businesses that will come under this umbrella are online consultancies, computer software assistance, and hardware trouble shooting and even such things as how to start and online business.

But besides the ones mentioned above, there are many other kinds of online businesses around, such as entertainment websites, online chat and interaction and email servers are just some. But no matter what type of online business it is you decide to get involved in, it is important to plan carefully and have the ability promote the business professionally over theInternet.

Medical & Health Care Facility Services

This is where someone will set up a complete online pharmacy and the services related to this type of business will be offered to online customers. Such businesses will provide customers with medical consultancy, selling of medications and other medical charges. If you look further into this line of business, you will find that there are several medical institutes who can franchise a person to run a virtual medical and healthy care facility for them.